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Accueil > Agenda > Moien, mir si Gefiller !

Moien, mir si Gefiller !

kideaz copyright event  moien mir si gefiller ©Photo : Reservéiert Rechter

Cette description n’existe pas en français.

EN Have you ever been so excited that you couldn’t get a word out? Or gotten really angry? Has your stomach ever fluttered? Or have you wanted to jump for joy? Are those maybe feelings? And how do you deal with them? Joy, sadness, fear, excitement, happiness, anger, or neutrality – we experience all these emotions together with you. Two dancers and a musician will show you how they feel the different emotions and how those feelings might affect their bodies and yours. Come with us into a world full of emotions, movement, colors, and sounds!

octobre, 2024

Cet événement se répète

15oct15 h 00 minMoien, mir si Gefiller !15 h 00 min Typologie:Pour les enfants

Détails de l'évènement

EN Have you ever been so excited that you couldn’t get a word out? Or gotten really angry? Has your stomach ever fluttered? Or have you wanted to jump for joy? Are those maybe feelings? And how do you deal with them? Joy, sadness, fear, excitement, happiness, anger, or neutrality – we experience all these emotions together with you. Two dancers and a musician will show you how they feel the different emotions and how those feelings might affect their bodies and yours. Come with us into a world full of emotions, movement, colors, and sounds!


(Mardi) 15 h 00 min

@ Little Kideaz

Pour ce tout nouveau numéro, nous avons consacré notre magazine à nos amies tortues marines et terrestres. Little Kideaz n°9 est déjà disponible dans notre boutique en ligne, alors n'attendez plus pour le commander !