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Accueil > Agenda > Ciné-conférence “Decoding Kieslowski’s Dekalog” & Dekalog: One + Dekalog: Two (Kieslowski’s Dekalog)

Ciné-conférence “Decoding Kieslowski’s Dekalog” & Dekalog: One + Dekalog: Two (Kieslowski’s Dekalog)

kideaz copyright event cinematheque luxembourg  cin confrence decoding kieslowskis dekalog s dekalog ©Photo : Cinémathèque Luxembourg
De 19h00 à 21h30
Cinémathèque Luxembourg - 17, place du Théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg (ville)

Ciné-conférence “Decoding Kieslowski’s Dekalog” | in English | about 45’ | followed by:

Dekalog: One

Dekalog, jeden Pologne 1989-90 | Krzysztof Kieslowski | vostEN | 53′ | digital | Cast : Henryk Baranowski, Wojciech Klata


Krzysztof, a university professor and an atheist, trains his 12-year-old son in the use of reason and the scientific method but is confronted with the unpredictability of fate.


« The narrative unfolds slowly, and yet immerses the viewer deeply in the ethical questions posed by the story. This is intelligent and thought-provoking drama at its finest. » (Movie Screen Scene)


Followed by:


Dekalog: Two 


Dekalog, dwa Pologne 1989-90 | Krzysztof Kieslowski | vostEN | 57′ | digital | Cast : Krystyna Janda, Aleksander Bardini


Dorota, a married violinist, faces a dilemma involving the diagnosis of her husband, who is very ill. Her husband’s elderly doctor, who believes in God, is made to swear by his prognosis, but what if he gets it wrong?


« As in Dekalog: One, the film’s power comes from the precise, economic delineation of character and circumstance. » (Time Out)

avril, 2025

3avr19 h 00 min- 21 h 30 minCiné-conférence "Decoding Kieslowski’s Dekalog" & Dekalog: One + Dekalog: Two (Kieslowski’s Dekalog)19 h 00 min - 21 h 30 min Cinémathèque Luxembourg, 17, place du Théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg (ville)Typologie:En famille


Détails de l'évènement

Ciné-conférence “Decoding Kieslowski’s Dekalog” | in English | about 45’ | followed by:

Dekalog: One

Dekalog, jeden Pologne 1989-90 | Krzysztof Kieslowski | vostEN | 53′ | digital | Cast : Henryk Baranowski, Wojciech Klata


Krzysztof, a university professor and an atheist, trains his 12-year-old son in the use of reason and the scientific method but is confronted with the unpredictability of fate.


« The narrative unfolds slowly, and yet immerses the viewer deeply in the ethical questions posed by the story. This is intelligent and thought-provoking drama at its finest. » (Movie Screen Scene)


Followed by:


Dekalog: Two 


Dekalog, dwa Pologne 1989-90 | Krzysztof Kieslowski | vostEN | 57′ | digital | Cast : Krystyna Janda, Aleksander Bardini


Dorota, a married violinist, faces a dilemma involving the diagnosis of her husband, who is very ill. Her husband’s elderly doctor, who believes in God, is made to swear by his prognosis, but what if he gets it wrong?


« As in Dekalog: One, the film’s power comes from the precise, economic delineation of character and circumstance. » (Time Out)


(Jeudi) 19 h 00 min - 21 h 30 min


Cinémathèque Luxembourg

17, place du Théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg (ville)

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